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Why have a website for BACONFEST?

Rather than have information spread across multiple social media sites and discussion forums, this website has been created so all information on this event is in one place.



1.   Years ago a group of us at a hammock hang thought it would be awesome to eat bacon for an entire weekend.  (We were young)

2.  A lot of people LOVE bacon and it's good with almost everything!
3.  Why not?

Why is BACONFEST held on Memorial Day in 2025 ?

Karla "with a k"'s birthday is around that time of the year and all she wants to do is camp and eat bacon.  She also screwed up the dates when she booked the site and decided to keep the Memorial Day weekend.  In 2026, the plan is to also host BACONFEST over Memorial Day weekend too

Why does BACONFEST move locations?

Karla wants to visit all the state parks in Wisconsin.  So, she drags all of you along with her.


Is this event for you?

This event is for everyone who likes to camp and eat bacon.  If you are vegetarian, vegan, or kosher please indicate this on the menu sign-up page so others can be aware when meal planning.  If you are debating about coming because you don't eat bacon, contact Karla "with a k" to discuss.  While we eat bacon with every meal, there are ways to enjoy the weekend without eating a single slice. 


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Karla group.jpg

Who is this host, Karla "with a k"?

  • By day Karla "with a K" is a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant and mild-mannered compliance officer at a financial firm near Milwaukee.

  • She has camped since 2014 when her good friend introduced her to tent camping. 

  • Since January 2016, Karla has camped at least one night a month - Going on nine years now.

  • She started hammock camping exclusively in April 2016 when she attended her first hammock hang and was able to sleep in a borrowed hammock system during a winter storm and was warm at only 19 degrees.

  • She has hosted over 35 group camping weekends.

  • In 2017, she started camping with her cat, Kizme (Kiz-mah). It's the Serbian word for "boots" because he has white boots on all paws. In 2023, she added a second cat, Krasa (Kressa), the Ukrainian word for "beauty".

  • Karla wants to camp in every state park in Wisconsin.   Her favorite is Wisconsin Interstate State Park in St. Croix Falls, WI.

  • Her overnight low is -11 degrees & her overnight high is 72 degrees.

  • She has yet to camp in:  a teepee and an RV.  She has  already cowboy camped, built and slept in a quinzee, camped in her two-door Honda Civic, solo camped, slept in a cabin with 10 strangers, has backpacked, has camped while road tripping, and snowshoed a mile to camp in a yurt. 

  • Her favorite camp foods are anything in a pie iron, dutch oven, and woofums.  She also makes and sells woofums sticks.

  • She collects a patch from every park she has visited and wears them on her red wool vintage Valeninto cape.

  • She is the founding member of the Red Bra Club and the Bad Ass Woman Award.

  • You can shop on Karla's Mary Kay website here:  Shop Here

  • You can follow her on Instagram:  Click Here 

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